Ready to take off – Innovation for Airport Media at Schwechat Airport


Ready to take off - Innovation for Airport Media at Schwechat Airport

9. October 2023

The advertising spaces on the passenger boarding bridges are one of the most important exclusive products of Airport Media at Schwechat Airport. Changing these large foliations is costly and time-consuming. We have changed that: With a new, innovative system.

Safety in numbers

Advertising spaces at airports are a very exciting and complex challenge. On the one hand, of course, the quality of the advertising media must be right, and on the other hand, the highest safety and technical standards must be met.

Therefore, even the preparations for the project were extremely complex and required a new approach. Airport areas are exposed to strong wind forces, which conventional mounting methods are not able to cope with. For this reason, decals or foils are traditionally used, but this has some disadvantages, such as lower flexibility.

Calculation of wind force effects

So it was clear to us that we would not achieve a satisfactory goal with conventional systems. That’s why we went back to the drawing board. After intensive deliberations and extensive prototyping, we identified a solution that would stand up to all requirements. Since this new solution had to meet the highest safety standards, we had extensive and cost-intensive structural calculations performed for the prototype. In the process, every single element – from adhesives to the material of the fasteners – was closely scrutinized and tested until we were sure that everything had been planned perfectly.

Easy come, easy go

From all these preparations and calculations, we finally developed a special mounting system similar to one already tried and tested in the fleet media sector. This means that Airport Media will be able to dispense with elaborate foiling in the future. Instead, subject changes are extremely quick and easy – without sacrificing quality or safety.

"The quick implementation of the new tension frame system on all 20 passenger boarding bridges at Pier North shows Trevision's high level of professionalism!"

“The advertising on the passenger boarding bridges outside is a landmark from Airport Media’s product portfolio at Vienna Airport. The technical challenges for the implementation are therefore correspondingly high.

With the new TRAXX system, Trevision provides a medium that optimally meets these very high technical requirements. The smooth changeover to the new tension frame system on all 20 passenger boarding bridges at Pier North in just a few weeks further impressively underlines Trevision’s high level of professionalism.”

Ilse Koinig, Head of Advertising – Airport Media at Vienna Airport


Proof of Success

The highly complex and demanding work in planning and implementation has paid off. Thanks to our new system for the advertising spaces on the passenger boarding bridges, Airport Media not only gains an extremely high degree of flexibility through great time savings in changing subjects. They also benefit from cost savings in the production of advertising media and the reduced time required.

Do you also want to modernize your airport media offerings? And benefit from the cost and effort savings?

TREVISION launches sustainable product line Greenline 


TREVISION launches sustainable product line Greenline

9. December 2022

TREVISION attaches great importance to environmental friendliness and sustainability. For this reason, we have also developed the Greenline series and launched various sustainability projects. More about this here in a short overview!

Greenline – Eco? Logical!

The materials in the Greenline series are either PVC-free or made from recycled polyester (PES). Recycled polyester, also called rPET, is obtained by melting down existing plastic and spinning it into new polyester fibre. Compared to PVC, polyester has a much lower environmental impact. Polyester fabrics are also recyclable and do not need to be disposed of like PVC.

Nine of our most important materials are currently available in our new Greenline series, with more in the pipeline:

1. Greenline printing materials PVC-FREE

  • FRONTLIT PVC-FREE (material 100% PES, coating PVC-free)
  • MESH PVC-FREE (material 100% PES, coating PVC-free)
  • ADHESIVE FILM PVC-FREE (PVC-free foil material)

2. Greenline printing materials made from 100% recycled PES

  • DYNAJET RECYCLED (single and double print, waterproof material, ideal for backlit and reflected light applications)
  • DEKOTEX RECYCLED (flame retardant decorative fabric, ideal for non-illuminated applications)
  • DEKOTEX TRANSMITTED LIGHT RECYCLED (flame retardant decorative fabric, ideal for backlit applications)
  • DEKOTEX BLACKBACK RECYCLED (flame retardant decorative fabric with black reverse side, specially developed for

In addition, data sheets and product folders are also made from recycled cardboard. Take a look at our new Greenline and switch to the greener side of life!

Downcycling: A new life for used prints!

Another project close to our hearts is the downcycling of used print products. With downcycling, the need to use new raw materials or produce artificial materials is significantly reduced because discarded materials are used in the production of new products.

Downcycling reduces the amount of waste, saves valuable resources and thus also contributes to nature and climate protection. Against this background, TREVISION has initiated a research project that is working on solutions for the recycling of used printing materials in cooperation with universities.

Our goal is to establish a sustainable cycle by collecting print products from customers after they have been dismantled and breathing new life into them. The first trial runs with customers have already started.

Full transparency through TREVISION CO2 footprint

Recently we already told you about our cooperation with myclimate. The focus is on the evaluation and minimisation of TREVISION’s corporate carbon footprint.

With the help of myclimate, a final carbon footprint has now been drawn up for TREVISION and the concrete CO2 footprint of three locations has been determined. TREVISION is thus one of the few companies that have actually calculated this value and are not just greenwashing.

The underlying analyses and data form a sound basis for reducing our CO2 footprint in a continuous improvement process. In the future, it will also be possible to indicate the CO2 emissions per square metre for each of our products.

On this basis, TREVISION will be able to transparently advise its customers which products offer tangible added value for the customer’s sustainability strategy due to their lower CO2 footprint.

A little greener every day. The careful use of resources and the mindful treatment of nature are very important to us. With Greenline, we offer a new product line for large-format printing that is characterised by particularly environmentally friendly materials. Please contact us for further information about Greenline.

We look forward to reporting to you next time on the further progress of our sustainability projects!




9. December 2021

A report about a cooperation between pioneers in Large Format Printing.

Durst is a leading manufacturer of digital printing and production technologies: LFP & Graphics, Labels & Flexible Packaging and Ceramics. Trevision and Durst have been working together for over a decade. The close collaboration is characterized by mutual trust and open communication, in which it is perfectly acceptable to voice criticism in order to push each other forward. 

We met CEO Christoph Gamper for a digital interview across several time zones and talked about milestones and future chunks, the special features of production in the midst of the Tyrolean mountains, and the fact that stubbornness doesn’t necessarily always have to be negative.

Christoph Gamper, a native and likeable South Tyrolean, has spent half his life in technology companies all over the world before becoming CEO and member of the Board of Directors of the Durst Group, headquartered in Bressanone, South Tyrol. For 10 years now, Christoph Gamper has been leading the company, which for Trevision stands not only for excellent technology, but also for honesty, transparency and absolute reliability.

Christoph Camper, CEO Durst Phototechnik AG

A hidden champion who performs worldwide.

“Exciting, technology-driven, somewhat stubborn in the most positive sense and very familiar – a “hidden” champion who enjoys innovation and values that are lived.” With these words, Mr. Gamper describes the technology company with no bullshit policy. Here, instead of pretending a lot, things are done simply and customers are seen as partners at eye level. Moreover, it remains a family business, even though more than 800 employees worldwide now develop and market high-end systems.

Durst was founded in 1929 by the Durst brothers. In the 1930s, they were still repairing photographic equipment – in the years that followed, they specialized in machines for producing picture postcards, before Durst made a name for itself as a pioneer in photographic technology.

Durst Group AG Brixen, Italy

For Gamper, the biggest milestones cannot be summarized so quickly, because there were many formative phases such as the switch from analog technology to digital solutions or the development of ceramic 3D printing.

Christoph Gamper also reminds us during the short excerpt from the company history of the time when photos still had to be developed, but quickly turns his gaze back to the challenges of the future. Because Durst Lambda marked the entry into the digital era and the later Gamma series led to great successes in efficient tile production and laid the foundation for ceramic 3D printing. Things have been going from strength to strength for Durst ever since, and the company’s future path remains exciting for Gamper. For example, he classifies the Durst Workflow software ecosystem as a “revolutionary all-in-one solution that combines all steps of the pre-press and production process in one application.” Trevision, by the way, has long been a satisfied user of the RIP software.

Current projects are many – and each worth mentioning. These include the expansion of the P5 family, from which Trevision is already benefiting with the latest P5 TEX iSub model, and the further development of the WT series, a water-based technology for flatbed printing.

The latest Durst - P5 TEX iSUB

Durst can also point to recent successes: “In recent years, we have built up a large software force that will increasingly come to the fore with front-end and ERP solutions. In packaging printing, together with our partner Koenig & Bauer, we have just presented the Varijet (editor’s note: inkjet technology integrated into a high-performance press for digital sheetfed printing on the folding carton market) to the international press with great success, which must now of course meet the set standards. Furthermore, we have founded a spin-off in the field of ceramic 3D printing.”

When asked about his favorite project, the CEO tells of the impressive project “The Rock”. Dwayne Johnson has nothing to do with it, rather it is about a particularly sustainable printing technology. The 10 years of development and research were unusually long for someone in this field, but the patience has more than paid off for Gamper and nature: “We can use it to create ceramics that are as unique as nature – without destroying nature in the process.”

"We are more than a company: we are Durstlers."

CEO Christoph Gamper is relaxed about the future. Of course, there would be enough challenges such as the prevailing pandemic and the associated travel difficulties, but by constantly pushing digitalization and the early use of technical aids, Durst sees itself more than up to the challenges of the future. Furthermore, Gamper emphasizes his employees:inside and the hardware: “Highest quality -100% use of material and employees to bring added value to the customer. We are more than a company: we are Durstlers.” It is precisely these Durstlers who ensure that new technology developments are always being scouted to integrate.

The visionary knows that pioneers don’t have to do everything on their own. In the area of “predictive maintenance”, Trevision is therefore collaborating with the University of Bolzano on a project. Here, too, Trevision is already using Durst’s sophisticated technology with the Durst Analytics tool to have all the data from the printing and production environment evaluated by intelligent algorithms in order to increase production output.

"Trevision is a pioneer in large format printing and we are happy to be a part of this success story."

When asked what makes Trevision and Durst’s collaboration special, Gamper emphasizes the open interaction that would spur the company to develop even better and even more efficient systems for the LFP market. The two companies have a pioneering spirit in common and therefore support each other’s developments: “Trevision is generally always among the first to invest in innovative and novel technology. Accordingly, we were also allowed to carry out some field tests at Trevision in Großhöflein – a close cooperation automatically developed over the years.”

Durst and Trevision also agree on the keyword sustainability and see sustainability not as a freestyle, but as a duty: “We live, work and produce in the middle of the Tyrolean mountains – sustainability is not a buzzword here, but a simple necessity.”

 Ultimately, the entire market could benefit from this close cooperation. Together with Trevision under the leadership of Jürgen Marzi, the most innovative production technologies are to be brought to market. The fact that the CEO of the partner company speaks of Trevision in the superlative is a further affirmation of the existing and future cooperation.

TREVISION on the way to climate neutrality


TREVISION on the way to climate neutrality

7. September 2021

Earth Overshoot Day was already on 28 July this year. Regardless of this, TREVISION has decided to get involved in climate protection and reduce its own emissions. How private individuals and companies can take responsibility for the climate is explained in this news article.

You can’t become climate neutral from one day to the next

Mankind currently consumes 1.7 Earths per year and thus uses more resources than available. Our actions have consequences.

Consequences for the future of upcoming generations, but also immediate consequences such as extreme weather events and altered ecosystems. In order to curb man-made impacts on the climate, net emissions should be reduced to zero. This goal was ratified by Austria, the EU and many other countries in the Paris Agreement.

Fires and Smoke Engulf Southeastern Australia

It is therefore high time to act. TREVISION has also decided to minimize its corporate carbon footprint. Together with experts from the Swiss climate protection foundation myclimate, an exact carbon footprint assessment is being prepared for TREVISION using the myclimate software Smart 3. In addition, TREVISION determines the carbon footprint of three locations (myclimate Corporate Carbon Footprint). This allows the accruing greenhouse gas emissions of these locations to be analysed and evaluated.

Based on these analyses and data, TREVISION will now continuously define various measures to reduce CO2 emissions.

myclimate is a partner for effective climate protection – globally and locally. Together with partners from the business community and private individuals, myclimate aims to shape the future of the world through advisory and educational services as well as its own projects. This is the goal of the Swiss foundation, with its headquarters in Zurich and partners and clients worldwide.

Reducing the impact on the climate

The myclimate foundation not only offers cooperation for companies such as TREVISION, within which they first calculate the ecological footprint of a company in order to then propose targeted measures for prevention and offsetting, but they also provide other services, such as advisory services and offsetting calculators. For example, the calculation of the individual footprint for air travel, cruises, car journeys or one’s own household up to the calculation of the individual carbon footprint. However, there is no universal solution. Every company functions differently and therefore needs individual measures that can be implemented and are effective. There is no such thing as a typical partner or customer.
One solution for unavoidable emissions is to offset them through climate protection projects. Climate protection projects promote the use of renewable energies, implement energy efficiency measures or reduce methane emissions. This can be achieved through technological advances, the filtering of greenhouse gases from power plants and production facilities, but also through reforestation and other suitable measures in agriculture.

Companies that want to actively support climate protection should start by calculating their carbon footprint, just like TREVISION. Together with the myclimate experts, targeted strategies can then be developed, followed by defined measures to continuously reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

We are looking forward to the cooperation with myclimate and will keep you up to date about climate targets and initial measures.

Interview with Marco Girardi from the Association for the Promotion of Sports for the Disabled

General, Sponsoring

Interview with Marco Girardi from the Association for the Promotion of Sports for the Disabled

2. August 2021

Marco Girardi: “Giving people with disabilities a voice is not just a job for me anymore.”

Two companies – one matter of the heart: Trevision is the happy, new sponsor of the ÖBSV.

With our latest partnership, we want to achieve more than sponsorship goals. Namely, a change in society. People with disabilities should be integrated into all areas of life. This is exactly the mission of the ÖBSV. Supporting this lofty goal is not business for us, but a social obligation – as a company, but also as people who live and work together here.


Due to the new partnership, CEO Marco Girardi talks to us about the importance of ÖBSV, the challenges and rewards in his job and the small but subtle difference between “doing sports” and “being able to do sports” for the topic of inclusion.

About the association

The Austrian Disabled Sports Association has a clear mission: to facilitate access to sport for all people with disabilities – from beginners to top athletes. In this way, they can experience its importance for health, mobility, independence, quality of life and integration and integrate daily exercise – whether in a team on the volleyball court or alone in Nordic skiing – into their lives.


The association reaches out to all disabled athletes in Austria and promotes the topics of inclusion and independence of people with disabilities in Austria with its broad range of activities. The association’s diverse tasks include targeted sports development, the organization of get-to-know meetings, taster courses or the sending to tournaments, further education for movement trainers, sports counseling for people with disabilities and much more.

About the person

Marco Girardi left the telecommunications industry behind to work for disabled people in the field of sports. Today, the skiing enthusiast is the managing director responsible for the entire rights marketing of the association. He is thus responsible for sponsoring, external presentation and the further development of the brand. Between his many appointments, we luckily found time for a short conversation:

In your own words: What is ÖBSV and why is the work of the association so important?

ÖBSV is necessary and a catalyst for the advancement of issues such as inclusion and participation of people with disabilities, all things that no longer have anything to do with the classic practice of sport per se, but are enormously important socially.


Rewards are mainly given when I can and am allowed to observe how good regular exercise and sports training have an effect on the lives of disabled people, how they literally blossom and can thus better and more easily assert their place in society.

Pioneers of disabled skiing in the war victims association. Source:

Note by Trevision: The importance of sports for a self-determined life of people with impairments can already be seen in the founding history of the ÖBSV. In the post-war period, the work of the association was so well received by war-disabled and blind people that many of them voluntarily gave up their war victims’ pensions because they could take on self-responsibility in sport – and see themselves as “valuable” again. At that time, the population did not understand at all why war-disabled people wanted to do sports at all.


Do you like your job in the association?

To be able to advocate for such a sensitive as well as beautiful topic, to be able to give a voice to these great and so multi-faceted disabled people, is actually no longer a job for me, but rather a task that is equally challenging – and daily – as well as wonderful.

Rewards come especially when I can and am allowed to observe how well regular exercise and sports training have an effect on the lives of disabled people, how they literally blossom and can thus better and more easily assert their place in society.

“Personally, I quite like the idea in principle that often the sport finds the prospective athlete with disabilities and not the other way around.”

Which sports is the association dedicated to?

Basically, all popular sports that we know can be practiced and learned by people with disabilities. But there are also exotic ones like e-roller soccer, race running or wheelchair rugby.


Personally, I like the idea that the sport often finds the prospective athlete with a disability and not the other way around, because quite a few people got to know sports through exercise training, a kind of “getting to know”, so to speak.


Note from Trevision: The association does not exclude any disability groups – and therefore no challenges. From mental disability sports to wheelchair sports, sports for the blind and visually impaired or people with technical aids such as prostheses, the individual concerns of the groups are taken into account and specifically addressed by competence bodies.

And what age group is the offer aimed at?

I like to say casually “sports are offered from 6-99”.

Can people without disabilities also benefit from ÖBSV?

There is a clear commitment to the topic of inclusion within the ÖBSV, but it has also always been the case that healthy and disabled people have played sports together through cooperation with other sports clubs.

Trevision’s note: People with mental or physical impairments are left out by the expectation of a high workload in most clubs. The knowledge about the necessary adaptations of training plans or the set of rules is simply missing. Movement trainers* must be trained differently. This already starts in the gymnastics lessons in schools. Here, too, the ÖBSV makes an important contribution and, in cooperation with universities, offers training for coaches as well as training for inclusive sports programs in schools.

Is the ÖBSV only for professional athletes?

No, although the ÖBSV can be very proud of the many participants in international events such as the Paralympics, World Championships and European Championships and the large number of medals, it is the popular and mass sports in the more than 100 sports clubs throughout the country that represent an essential core competence.

Note from Trevision: Since 2003, the association has been legally entitled to federal sports funding and thus secures basic funding. Nevertheless, further income from sponsoring and from generous donors is of enormous importance. In addition to sparingly used expenditures for administrative activities, handicap groups, sports departments, national events, sending to major international sports events and preparations for them, as well as youth and health sports projects and finally the purchase of sports equipment must be secured.

“... I don’t just look at the here and now, but also at everything that still lies ahead.”


Please give us an outlook into the future. What are the most important goals of the ÖBSV in the next 5 years?

More inclusion, strengthening mass sports, making the ÖBSV brand even better known and, last but not least, making sure that we find even more strong partners in the domestic industry who not only think this is a great path, but also want to accompany and support it.

My wish for the partnership with Trevision is that it will be equally inspiring and fruitful for both sides. I am not only looking at the here and now, but also at everything that still lies ahead of us and I am looking forward to many steps that we can take together.


Thank you very much for the interview!

Just like Marco Girardi, we are looking forward to an inspiring time together and would like to thank you once again for the opportunity to support this important topic as a sponsor.

Sublimation printing: Brilliant large-format printing as a real eye-catcher


Sublimation printing: Brilliant large-format printing as a real eye-catcher

2. June 2021

Sublimation printing is one of the most popular printing processes when it comes to producing large-format textile advertising spaces. Read here how the printing process works, which advantages it offers and in which areas it can be optimally used!

What is sublimation printing?

The special feature of this process is that the ink is vaporized, i.e. sublimated, into the material to be printed. For this reason, this printing method is called sublimation. TREVISION can use this printing method on textiles made of polyester (at least 60-70%).

In principle, it is also possible to print on other materials such as cotton. However, this requires other inks and machines.

What materials are used in large format textile printing?

Sublimation printing uses special water-based inks that immediately change to a gaseous state under high pressure and heat. The decorative fabric must contain at least 60 to 70 percent polyester so that the ink can react with the base material.

TREVISION produces large format image products by direct printing on a polyester mesh with approx. 200g/m². The polyester materials are available in a wide variety of haptic finishes, including structures very similar to PVC mesh. Already more than half of our decorative fabrics are also made of recycled polyester.

The printing materials for sublimation printing are up to 3.2 meters wide and versatile with individual textile frame systems. If larger formats are required, they are sewn together from several images.


How does sublimation large format printing work?

The printing process takes place in two steps, as the color quality directly after printing does not yet have the desired color saturation and color depth. Only after fixing the color pigments do you get the final color result in high quality.

1. Design printing

In the first step, the design is printed onto the polyester textile using sublimation inks. The decorative fabric then runs through a dryer to draw the water out of the fabric by evaporation. The dye of the ink remains in solid form in the textile.

2. Fixation

This is where sublimation comes into play. Under high pressure and at a temperature of around 190°C, the solid dye transforms into a gas. At the same time, the pores of the polymer open up. The dye can now penetrate the fibers of the fabric as a gas and combine with them.

When the temperature drops, the pores close, the gas returns to the solid state and is now part of the polymer. This is also the reason why sublimation cannot be done on natural materials like 100% cotton. Natural fibers do not have pores that open.

What are the advantages of sublimation printing?

With sublimation, decorative fabrics can be printed in very high quality. Since it is a digital printing process, all imaginable colors are possible. The result is a color-brilliant print that is versatile. The greatest advantages lie in the following properties:

  • Odorless: Sublimation prints are odorless and solvent-free – a big advantage indoors!
  • High durability: Since the inks are anchored in the textile fibers, the ink application itself cannot be rubbed off. Unlike other printing processes, the textile and thus the print remain durable for a longer period of time (wash resistance).
  • Handling: Sublimation prints are easy to fold up because there is no ink adhering to the surface that could break or be rubbed off. This results in very small transport dimensions.
  • Covering large areas: Decorative fabrics can be used to cover large areas. Individually designable profile systems with textile coverings make it possible.
  • Easy mounting: The frame systems, with and without LED backlights, can be mounted without tools and in an uncomplicated way.
The Italian Wiener Neustadt Lichtdecke

For which applications is large-format textile printing suitable?

Sublimation printing is mainly used indoors. High color brilliance and odor neutrality make the fabric prints attractive as decoration, background and room divider for use in store design and event areas (e.g. retail, trade fairs, congresses, exhibitions, stage design). For outdoor use, sublimation printing is only suitable to a limited extent. The material itself is very robust, but as with all fabrics, the decorative fabric quickly absorbs dirt and can thus impair the appearance.

How does the profile system for large-format textile printing work?

A silicone welt is sewn all around the individual fabric prints. This allows the prints to be simply pressed into the profile and can thus be changed quickly and easily. The frameless look of the TREVISION systems puts the motif in the center of attention – without any annoying mounting techniques! For large formats, the profiles have an inwardly inclined keder mount. This strengthens the fixation of the textile print in the frame.

Conclusion: sublimation printing for interior design

Sublimation produces the most durable and brilliantly colored print. Especially due to its odorless property, sublimation printing is perfect for large-format image design of indoor sales and presentation areas. A dedicated Trevision Smart Store concept team develops large-format complete solutions for this area of application – from planning to implementation and installation of the lighting and framing solutions. For more information and specific questions about sublimation printing, please contact us!

Let’s green up! Challenges and pathways towards a greener industry


Let’s green up! Challenges and pathways towards a greener industry

17. December 2020

Writing “green” on your portfolio? Easy. But actually making a change? It’s crucial to know the difference. Read on to find it out.

Getting green: What’s the challenge?

Let’s be honest: a lot of “greening” is mainly, well, marketing. Offering a product line with a focus on sustainability? Fine, but what about the remaining assortment? Introducing alternative materials? Fair, but is “alternative” synonymous with “green”? Measures of this kind sound promising but often stay superficial. The real challenge is to look beyond empty words. And to actually make a change.

We’re also in textile print industry, as you know. An industry that is mostly built up on synthetic fibers. The issue: these PVC materials are not biodegradable. They don’t decompose. And that’s why the pressure to switch to alternative materials is growing. Recycled materials, for example. Sustainable fibres and cloth that reduce our ecological footprint.

But such materials aren’t easy to develop. Due to their different composition, they’ve got different properties – and consequently, they’ve got to be processed differently as well. This necessitates a lot of testing, and testing is expensive. Textile manufacturers won’t invest in it just because we demand it. Our sector is in the range of a few thousandths – the majority of textiles are produced for the clothing industry. It’s them who’ll have to drive innovation. Only then, manufacturing will change.

Step by step towards a greener industry

Does this mean that we’re just sitting back, waiting for the clothing industry making their move? — Of course not. We’re continuously working on doing our bit. The bit that we can contribute to making a greener world. 

Some steps we’ve already taken. We’ve got a whole range of alternative products – recycled materials for our textile frames, for example. Or truck tarpaulins that are free from PVC. We’re testing with wood fibers and organic cotton, and we’re in constant communication with our subcontractors to enhance sustainable development.

Nahaufnahme Textilfaser

The goal may be ambitious: for every application we offer, we aim to have a green alternative. Starting point? Next year, first quarter. But we’re confident we’ll get there in time: We’re constantly on the lookout for new “green” products, and we’re in touch with environmental organisations to ensure we make the right choices.

Greening through digitalisation

But there are less obvious ways of getting greener, too. Ways that take a step away from producing new materials. Ways that focus on reducing resources altogether. One possibility of doing so is by optimising the ordering process. Why? Because ordering too much isn’t only more expensive for the client. It also results in overproduction, and consequently uses up more resources – something we seek to avoid.

Our digital management system allows clients to order more precisely. A specialised software, both cost-effective and environmentally friendly. It helps avoid an unnecessary waste of resources, regarding both production and delivery. This “greening” may not be as visible, as self-evident as a label blatantly saying “sustainable materials used”. But it works towards the same goal. And it’s this accumulation of steps, as different as they may be, that will lead us to this common objective. You just have to get creative. And that’s what we love to do.

Digitalisierung Kunde Meeting

Fleet media: How does an advert fit on a truck?


Fleet media: How does an advert fit on a truck?

12. November 2020

On highways and country roads, occasionally one’s passing by in the middle of town: there’s hardly a day without seeing a truck. Hardly a day without noticing their sales messages, placed big and bold on the trailers. But how does an advert fit on a truck? That’s the question we’re going to answer in today’s blog. With a glimpse behind the scenes that goes beyond what you’ve seen so far.

“A little bit further! … We’re nearly there!” – Wolfgang Nezwal’s voice is determined, his eyes focused. Right down to the millimetre he’s pushing the slat against the trailer. It’s a task that demands a sure instinct. An instinct for the way in which each slat is glued on, precisely tailored. Until the whole truck is clothed into a complex framing system.

Tackling the task together: it’s teamwork that leads to the desired result.

Now it’s time to wait a little. The special adhesive needs to dry. Nezwal uses the time to speak about the beginnings of the process: “Originally there was one of these typical foliations on the track. First of all, we needed to get rid of that.” With a hot air blower, the adhesive was released bit by bit, until the foliation could simply be peeled off. And created the room for something new. Time and again. With a flexible system that turns the track into a convertible advertising channel.

But how does this actually work? As soon as the adhesive has dried and the framing system is mounted on the track, Nezwal starts his demonstration. The motive has been chosen, the fitting counterparts to the frame are fastened to the printed tarpaulin. Then it’s drawn into the rills of the system – and tightened around the track. This needs a lot of strength: “All together!” Nezwal’s voice permeates the room. A few minutes later, the motive is securely fixed. With a tension that would be hard to increase any further: if you brush the mounted image with your fingers, it feels like touching a solid wall.

Fuhrpark Media Rahmen wird auf LKW montiert
Precision and highest concentration: that’s the normal procedure

The big advantage over the foliation is obvious: as soon as the framing system is installed, the motive can be changed at a moment’s notice. Within a few minutes. Without having to create the right temperature conditions before, as you’d need to for a foliation. This turns adapting sales messages into a simple task – and it’s similarly simply to carry them through the whole country, on the company’s own vehicles: The trucks are immediately ready again to go back on the road. The whole fleet has become a flexible advertising channel. Flexible – and, at the same time, economic: it’s not necessary to lease any additional ad space. This part is taken over by the trucks themselves. And if a certain motive is to be displayed a second time, the production costs are zero as well: the tarpaulin can be stored and reused at any time.

And where are those motives coming from? After all, they’re much more than simple flyers. They’re largely oversized prints. Who ensures their quality? Perhaps you already know the answer: “It’s us, of course,” Nezwal chuckles. TREVISION isn’t only offering the framing systems. TREVISION is offering the overall package. From planning via mounting through to ongoing servicing – including ongoing renewals. Because just staying where we are, that’s never been our cup of tea.

Timelapse video of the assembly of the system including the subject covering

How to Grow From a Crisis


How to Grow From a Crisis

9. October 2020

We haven’t been spared from the crisis. Nobody has. But we haven’t let it get us down either. Jürgen Marzi, CEO of TREVISION, speaks about why it’s so important to stay active, to stay seen – and how to do it in times of a crisis.

A sudden lockdown that would massively affect all kinds of businesses around the world: when did you realise the scope of the crisis?

To be honest with you, it was only about a week before the lockdown when we fully realised what was going on. There was the situation in China, yes, but it still seemed nearly impossible to imagine that something like this could happen to us, here in Austria. I don’t think anybody really knew how serious this crisis was going to be, for all of us.

What were the biggest challenges you had to overcome as a company?

The suddenness of the crisis made it essential to act quickly – to react to the changed circumstances in a way that both reduced costs and kept the company going. It was clear to us from the beginning that we couldn’t just save expenses wherever possible. The entrepreneurial spirit had to be carried on, we still needed to be active to be seen and heard. Otherwise we wouldn’t be able to minimise the inevitable financial losses. And of course, this also needed to be communicated to the staff. It was important to radiate a certain sense of security, to show that you’ve got a plan. And I’m pleased to say that our crisis plan worked pretty well.

You’ve mentioned entrepreneurial spirit – something quite difficult to keep in mind while tackling with a massive economic slump. How did you manage to deal with this crisis in a more active way?

In an unpredictable situation like this, a situation that is new to everyone, it’s key to think flexibly – not to continue with business-as-usual but to look for alternative ways. All the new products that were suddenly made necessary through the crisis opened up a whole new trade margin. But for us it was important to find something that we couldn’t just trade in – we were looking for something that we could actually produce. And that’s how the idea for the production of masks emerged. This was still in the early stage of the crisis, when most enterprises were struggling to find a supply of masks. But we were already able to produce them, imprint them, personalize them, for example with our clients’ logos. In the first months, this helped us to save expenses and reduce financial losses to a considerable extent.

How did you communicate your new product to your clients?

Classically with a newsletter. We outlined the products graphically and sent all the necessary information to our clients, communicating what we could offer right at that moment. And I’m telling you – our newsletter had never worked this well. We’ve got a lot of clients in the retail sector who were genuinely appreciative of our offer, who were glad to have found an opportunity to bulk up on masks. After all, nobody had been prepared for what was happening. But we reacted quickly to create a product and bring it to market, and this definitely paid off in the form of good and quick returns.

But masks weren’t the only new product you came up with. What’s behind “print4fans”?

Our mask production turned out to be a great success, but we didn’t want to rest on our oars. We were keen to think further: are there any other products that we can produce to ease the effects of the crisis? Not only for us but also for other sectors? We’ve got quite a few sports enthusiasts in our team, so we were aware of the fact that sports clubs were also suffering from the ramifications of the crisis. This is how we came up with the idea for print4fans. It’s a new software that allows sports clubs to create personalized merchandise products. Some of these items are produced by us, for others we generate the necessary data. There are endless possibilities. You just have to think of them, to think situationally – and, of course, innovatively. That’s the mindset that’s brought us through this crisis. And that’s the mindset you’ll always need.

30 years of Trevision – a story to remember


30 years of Trevision – a story to remember

1. October 2020

Do you know this feeling? You’re at a bar or a meeting, chatting away pleasantly, and then this guy comes up to you and says, “So what’s your story?”

And you’re a little caught off guard and you say something like, uh, we’re an international provider of large format digital printing, realising complete solutions for various kinds of brands. Which is true, of course. But it doesn’t say anything about who you really are either.

Well, we’ve reached the age of 30 now and we’ve decided that it’s time to put an end to this. So if you are that guy, here’s the answer to your question. We are Trevision. And this is our story.

It is the result of 525 employees, over 115 detailers and engineers, all coming together to solve problems before they arise.

And so it begins …

At the outset there was an idea. The idea to make things more visible. To use a completely new medium and create visual brand experiences that were impossible to overlook. In an XL format that was by no means standard back then.

Back then, that was in 1990. The year that should mark the beginning of a story that is continued to be written today. Its main protagonist: Heinz Wikturna, founder of the Trevision family, who embarked on the realization of his vision with only one employee. This vision should soon assume shape – and grow rapidly over the next decades.

Of course it wasn’t possible to predict this back then. The foundation of a company operating in a market that didn’t yet exist: naturally, it was a risk. But a risk Heinz was willing to take. And as we’ll see, this willingness to give things a go, to adapt and change, to reinvent oneself – these characteristics are woven into the story of Trevision like a golden thread, inevitably leading to the success our company is enjoying today.

’’We create visual brand experiences in an XL format.‘‘

Meeting challenges with solutions

The first few years weren’t easy or straightforward. It’s a no-brainer that new things are usually met with skepticism – clients still had to be made aware of the advantages of large-scale solutions. In fact, a decisive factor in these early years was to create an awareness of the sheer existence of such new possibilities.

Such an undertaking needs a conclusive strategy. And this was perhaps our company’s strongest point. Instead of simply offering the production of large formats, Trevision opted to provide clients with the full package. Not only images but also the necessary mounting systems – the appropriate framing for every single project. In short: end-to-end solutions, supporting the client at every step of the way. And consequently making the transition to a new way of advertising much, much easier.

Change? Always welcome!

This ability to see through the client’s eyes, to understand what the client needs, represents a crucial plotline in the company’s success story. Combined with the readiness to change and adapt, it has continuously paved the way for new directions.

By 2000, Trevision had already become one of the leading companies in outdoor advertising in the German-speaking world. But the focus began to shift. Slowly but unstoppably. With the rapid development of technological means, digital solutions gained more and more importance – and so did digital printing for indoor advertising. At this point, Heinz’ son Martin Wikturna joined the senior management team, assuming the responsibility for the entire production process.

We got the power! With an average print volume of 1500m2 per hour

So the focus within the company started to shift as well. Instead of holding on to what we’d been doing for the preceding decade, Trevision decided to go further than that – and soon got a foothold in the world of indoor advertising. Not only in the German-speaking world but all around the globe. It was Jürgen Marzi, back then still sales director of Trevision, who began to build up this chapter: a chapter that has reached until today.

No end in sight

But of course the company’s advancement didn’t stop with that. Since Jürgen took over as CEO in early 2015, Trevision has established themselves in various further areas – from the development of smart store concepts to tailor-made software solutions. And we have continued to grow: from a 5-men business to currently over 100 colleagues, working together on a shared vision.

Heinz Wikturna and Jürgen Marzi and in between 30 years of Trevision history.

But no matter how much we’ve changed: what’s remained is our openness, our flexibility, our willingness to reinvent ourselves time and again. We always think in a customer-oriented way, and we love to fill a market niche before it’s even discovered. This has helped us through difficult times such as the current Corona crisis – instead of burying our heads in the sand, we focussed on new products, on gaining new markets. Always flexible. Always innovative. And we guess that’s what it is that makes us Trevision.