XXXLutz: Digital Signage
The Austrian furniture chain XXXLutz was planning the implementation of digital signature both indoors and outdoors. Together with a partner, TREVISION realized this idea – at all levels.

Additionally to classic analogous products such as fabric printing, vinyl printing, and mesh printing, the XXXLutz stores should be equipped with LED walls – both indoors and outdoors. For these LED walls, various pixel pitches were planned to guarantee the ideal signage depending on location and size.

Smart Store Concept. Always a step ahead: TREVISION supports you in extending the digitization process beyond online trading. We bring digital advantages directly into your store.
The optimal customer journey. Using digital elements in stationary trade: this is clearly what the future belongs to. Multiple and diverse touchpoints ensure an improvement of the customer experience.

Realizing an idea at all levels.The client came to us with an idea. We and our partners undertook the rest: both planning and execution, both analogously and digitally, both metal construction and LED technique as well as electronics. Especially the entire planning and implementation of the substructure, or the statics, were essential. Mounting the LED walls was similarly crucial. The implementation indoors as well as outdoors didn’t present a problem: our LED walls operate in all weather conditions.